下載 PHPMailer 模組
下載 Libraries API module PHIMailer需要此模組
下載 PHPMailer for PHP5/6 http://phpmailer.codeworxtech.com php發送mail核心程式
1. PHPMailer_v5.1.zip 解壓縮到 sites\all\libraries 目錄名稱為 phpmailer
2. 安裝 Libraries & PHPMailer 模組
設定 : admin/settings/phpmailer
GMail 設定方式
* Using Google Mail as SMTP server To send e-mails with Google Mail use the following settings:
SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com
SMTP port: 465
Secure protocol: SSL
Username: your_google_mail_name@gmail.com
Password: your_google_mail_password
In Advanced SMTP settings: Enable 'Always set "Reply-To" address' checkbox.
Also note the sending limits for Google Mail accounts: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=22839</p>