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1  function FormatDateTime ( const Formatting : string; DateTime : TDateTime ) : string;
2  function FormatDateTime ( const Formatting : string; DateTime : TDateTime; const FormatSettings : TFormatSettings ) : string;
Description The FormatDateTime function provides rich formatting of a TDateTime value DateTime into a string. Formatting is defined by the Formatting string.
The Formatting string can comprise a mix of ordinary characters (that are passed unchanged to the result string), and data formatting characters. This formatting is best explained by the example code.
The following (non-Asian) formatting character strings can be used in the Formatting string:
= Year last 2 digits
yy  = Year last 2 digits
yyyy  = Year as 4 digits
= Month number no-leading 0
mm  = Month number as 2 digits
mmm  = Month using ShortDayNames (Jan)
mmmm  = Month using LongDayNames (January)
= Day number no-leading 0
dd  = Day number as 2 digits
ddd  = Day using ShortDayNames (Sun)
dddd  = Day using LongDayNames  (Sunday)
ddddd  = Day in ShortDateFormat
dddddd  = Day in LongDateFormat
= Use ShortDateFormat + LongTimeFormat
= Hour number no-leading 0
hh  = Hour number as 2 digits
n = Minute number no-leading 0
nn  = Minute number as 2 digits
= Second number no-leading 0
ss  = Second number as 2 digits
z = Milli-sec number no-leading 0s
zzz  = Milli-sec number as 3 digits
= Use ShortTimeFormat
tt  = Use LongTimeFormat
am/pm  = Use after h : gives 12 hours + am/pm
a/p  = Use after h : gives 12 hours + a/p
ampm  = As a/p but TimeAMString,TimePMString
= Substituted by DateSeparator value
: = Substituted by TimeSeparator value

Important : if you want to see characters such as dd in the formatted output, placing them in " marks will stop them being interpreted as date or time elements.
In addition to this formatting, various of the above options are affected by the following variables, withe their default values :
DateSeparator  = /
TimeSeparator  = :
ShortDateFormat  = dd/mm/yyyy
LongDateFormat  = dd mmm yyyy
TimeAMString  = AM
TimePMString  = PM
ShortTimeFormat  = hh:mm
LongTimeFormat  = hh:mm:ss
ShortMonthNames  = Jan Feb ...
LongMonthNames  = January, February ...
ShortDayNames  = Sun, Mon ...
LongDayNames  = Sunday, Monday ...
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow  = 50

Related commands
DateSeparator The character used to separate display date fields
DateTimeToStr Converts TDateTime date and time values to a string
DateTimeToString Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
LongDateFormat Long version of the date to string format
LongDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
LongMonthNames An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = January
LongTimeFormat Long version of the time to string format
ShortDateFormat Compact version of the date to string format
ShortDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
ShortMonthNames An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = Jan
ShortTimeFormat Short version of the time to string format
StrToDateTime Converts a date+time string into a TDateTime value
TimeAMString Determines AM value in DateTimeToString procedure
TimePMString Determines PM value in DateTimeToString procedure
TimeSeparator The character used to separate display time fields
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow Sets the century threshold for 2 digit year string conversions

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