PlantUML - Class Diagram

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PlantUML - Class Diagram

To be able to generate those diagrams, you must have Graphviz software installed on your machine in the default directory c:\Program Files\GraphvizX.XX or /usr/bin/dot.

You can have a look here if you have installed Graphviz somewhere else.

The description of class diagram is similar to the description of use case diagrams.

New rendering

This page show the rendering given by the new Svek architecture.

Note that you can disable the shadowing using the skinparam shadowing false command.

Relations between classes

Relations between classes are defined using the following symbols :
Extension <|--
Composition *--
Agregation o--

It is possible to replace -- by .. to have a dotted line.

Knowing thoses rules, it is possible to draw the following drawings:

scale 900 width
Class01 <|-- Class02
Class03 *-- Class04
Class05 o-- Class06
Class07 .. Class08
Class09 -- Class10
Class11 <|.. Class12
Class13 --> Class14
Class15 ..> Class16
Class17 ..|> Class18
Class19 <--* Class20

Label on relations

It is possible a add a label on the relation, using " : ", followed by the text of the label.

For cardinality, you can use double-quotes "" on each side of the relation.


Class01 "1" *-- "many" Class02 : contains

Class03 o-- Class04 : agregation

Class05 --> "1" Class06

You can add an extra arrow pointing at one object showing which object acts on the other object, using < or > at the begin or at the end of the label.
class Car

Driver - Car : drives >
Car *- Wheel : have 4 >
Car -- Person : < owns


Adding methods

To declare fields and methods, you can use the symbol ":" followed by the field's or method's name.

The system checks for parenthesis to choose between methods and fields.

Object <|-- ArrayList

Object : equals()
ArrayList : Object[] elementData
ArrayList : size()

It is also possible to group between brackets {} all fields and methods.
Note that the syntax is highly flexible about type/name order.
class Dummy {
  String data
  void methods()

class Flight {
   flightNumber : Integer
   departureTime : Date

Defining visibility

When you define methods or fields, you can use characters to define the visibility of the corresponding item:


Character Icon for field Icon for method Visibility
- private
# protected
~ package private
+ public

class Dummy {

You can turn off this feature using the skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0 command :
skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
class Dummy {


Abstract and Static

You can define static or abstract methods or fields using the {static} or {abstract} modifier.

These modifiers can be used at the start or at the end of the line. You can also use {classifier} instead of {static}.

class Dummy {
  {static} String id
  {abstract} void methods()

Advanced class body

By default, methods and fields are automatically regrouped by PlantUML. You can use separators to define your own way of ordering fields and methods. The following separators are possible : -- .. == __. You can also use titles within the separators:
class Foo1 {
  You can use
  several lines
  as you want
  and group
  things together.
  You can have as many groups
  as you want
  End of class

class User {
  .. Simple Getter ..
  + getName()
  + getAddress()
  .. Some setter ..
  + setName()
  __ private data __
  int age
  -- crypted --
  String password


Notes and stereotypes

Stereotypes are defined with the class keyword, " << " and " >> ".

You can also define notes using note left of , note right of , note top of , note bottom of keywords.

You can also define a note on the last defined class using note left, note right, note top, note bottom.

A note can be also define alone with the note keywords, then linked to other objects using the .. symbol.

class Object << general >>
Object <|--- ArrayList

note top of Object : In java, every class\nextends this one.

note "This is a floating note" as N1
note "This note is connected\nto several objects." as N2
Object .. N2
N2 .. ArrayList

class Foo
note left: On last defined class


More on notes

It is also possible to use few html tags like :
  • <b>
  • <u>
  • <i>
  • <s>, <del>, <strike>
  • <font color="#AAAAAA">or <font color="<a href="<a href="">colorName</a>">">">colorName</a>"&gt;[/g...
  • <color:#AAAAAA>or <color:<a href="<a href="">colorName</a>>">">colorName</a>&gt;[/ge...
  • <size:nn>to change font size
  • <img src="file">or <img:file> : the file must be accessible by the filesystem

You can also have a note on several lines

You can also define a note on the last defined class using note left, note right, note top, note bottom.


class Foo
note left: On last defined class

note top of Object
  In java, <size:18>every</size> <u>class</u>
  <i>this</i> one.
end note

note as N1
  This note is <u>also</u>
  <b><color:royalBlue>on several</color>
  <s>words</s> lines
  And this is hosted by <img:sourceforge.jpg>
end note


Note on links

It is possible to add a note on a link, just after the link definition, using note on link.

You can also use note left on link, note right on link, note top on link, note bottom on link if you want to change the relative position of the note with the label.


class Dummy
Dummy --> Foo : A link
note on link #red: note that is red

Dummy --> Foo2 : Another link
note right on link #blue
	this is my note on right link
	and in blue
end note


Abstract class and interface

You can declare a class as abstract using "abstract" or "abstract class" keywords.

The class will be printed in italic.

You can use the interface, annotation and enum keywords too.


abstract class AbstractList
abstract AbstractCollection
interface List
interface Collection

List <|-- AbstractList
Collection <|-- AbstractCollection

Collection <|- List
AbstractCollection <|- AbstractList
AbstractList <|-- ArrayList

class ArrayList {
  Object[] elementData

enum TimeUnit {

annotation SuppressWarnings


Using non-letters

If you want to use non-letters in the class (or enum...) display, you can either :
  • Use the as keyword in the class definition
  • Put quotes "" around the class name
class "This is my class" as class1
class class2 as "It works this way too"

class2 *-- "foo/dummy" : use

Hide attributes, methods...

You can parameterize the display of classes using the hide/show command.

The basic command is: hide empty members. This command will hide attributes or methods if they are empty.

Instead of empty members, you can use:

  • empty fieldsor empty attributes for empty fields,
  • empty methodsfor empty methods,
  • fieldsor attributes which will hide fields, even if they are described
  • methodswich will hide methods, even if they are described
  • memberswich will hide fields and methods, even if they are described
  • circlefor the circled character in front of class name,
  • stereotypefor the stereotype.
You can also provide, just after the hide or show keyword:
  • classfor all classes,
  • interfacefor all interfaces,
  • enumfor all enums,
  • <<foo1>>for classes which are stereotyped with foo1,
  • an existing class name.
You can use several show/hide commands to define rules and exceptions.

class Dummy1 {

class Dummy2 {

class Dummy3 <<Serializable>> {
	String name

hide members
hide <<Serializable>> circle
show Dummy1 methods
show <<Serializable>> fields


Hide classes

You can also use the show/hide commands to hide classes.

This may be usefull if you define a large !included file, and if you want to hide come classes after file inclusion.


class Foo1
class Foo2

Foo2 *-- Foo1

hide Foo2


Use generics

You can also use bracket < and > to define generics usage in a class.

class Foo<? extends Element> {
  int size()
Foo *- Element


Specific Spot

Usually, a spotted character (C, I, E or A) is used for classes, interface, enum and abstract classes.

But you can define your own spot for a class when you define the stereotype, adding a single character and a color, like in this example:


class System << (S,#FF7700) Singleton >>
class Date << (D,orchid) >>


You can define a package using the package keyword, and optionally declare a background color for your package (Using a html color code or name).

Note that package definitions can be nested.


package "Classic Collections" #DDDDDD {
  Object <|-- ArrayList

package net.sourceforge.plantuml {
  Object <|-- Demo1
  Demo1 *- Demo2


Packages style

There are different styles available for packages.

You can specify them either by setting a default style with the command : skinparam packageStyle, or by using a stereotype on the package:

package foo1 <<Node>> {
  class Class1

package foo2 <<Rect>> {
  class Class2

package foo3 <<Folder>> {
  class Class3

package foo4 <<Frame>> {
  class Class4

package foo5 <<Cloud>> {
  class Class5

package foo6 <<Database>> {
  class Class6


You can also define links between packages, like in the following example:

skinparam packageStyle rect

package foo1.foo2 {

package foo1.foo2.foo3 {
  class Object

foo1.foo2 +-- foo1.foo2.foo3



In packages, the name of a class is the unique identifier of this class. It means that you cannot have two classes with the very same name in different packages.

In that case, you should use namespaces instead of packages.

You can refer to classes from other namespaces by fully qualify them. Classes from the default namespace are qualified with a starting dot.

Note that you don't have to explicitly create namespace : a fully qualified class is automatically put in the right namespace.


class BaseClass

namespace net.dummy #DDDDDD {
    .BaseClass <|-- Person
    Meeting o-- Person
    .BaseClass <|- Meeting

namespace {
  net.dummy.Person  <|- Person
  .BaseClass <|-- Person

  net.dummy.Meeting o-- Person

BaseClass <|-- net.unused.Person


Automatic namespace creation

You can define another separator (other than the dot) using the command : set namespaceSeparator ???.

set namespaceSeparator ::
class X1::X2::foo {
  some info

You can disable automatic package creation using the command set namespaceSeparator none.

set namespaceSeparator none
class {
  some info


Lollipop interface

You can also define lollipops interface on classes, using the following syntax:
  • bar ()- foo
  • bar ()-- foo
  • foo -() bar
class foo
bar ()- foo

Changing arrows direction

By default, links between classes have two dashes -- and are verticaly oriented. It is possible to use horizontal link by putting a single dash (or dot) like this:
Room o- Studient
Room *-- Chair
You can also change directions by reversing the link:
Studient -o Room
Chair --* Room
It is also possible to change arrow direction by adding left, right, up or down keywords inside the arrow:
foo -left-> dummyLeft 
foo -right-> dummyRight 
foo -up-> dummyUp 
foo -down-> dummyDown
You can shorten the arrow by using only the first character of the direction (for example, -d- instead of -down-) or the two first characters (-do-).

Please note that you should not abuse this functionnality : GraphViz gives usually good results without tweaking.

Title the diagram

The title keyword is used to put a title.

You can use title and end title keywords for a longer title, as in sequence diagrams.


title Simple <b>example</b>\nof title 
Object <|-- ArrayList


Legend the diagram

The legend and end legend are keywords is used to put a legend.

You can optionnaly specify to have left, right or center alignment for the legend.


Object <|- ArrayList

legend right
  <b>Object</b> and <b>ArrayList</b>
  are simple class


Association classes

You can define association class after that a relation has been defined between two classes, like in this example:
class Student {
Student "0..*" - "1..*" Course
(Student, Course) .. Enrollment

class Enrollment {
You can define it in another direction:
class Student {
Student "0..*" -- "1..*" Course
(Student, Course) . Enrollment

class Enrollment {


You can use the skinparam command to change colors and fonts for the drawing.

You can use this command :


skinparam class {
	BackgroundColor PaleGreen
	ArrowColor SeaGreen
	BorderColor SpringGreen
skinparam stereotypeCBackgroundColor YellowGreen

Class01 "1" *-- "many" Class02 : contains

Class03 o-- Class04 : agregation


Skinned Stereotypes

You can define specific color and fonts for stereotyped classes.

skinparam class {
	BackgroundColor PaleGreen
	ArrowColor SeaGreen
	BorderColor SpringGreen
	BackgroundColor<<Foo>> Wheat
	BorderColor<<Foo>> Tomato
skinparam stereotypeCBackgroundColor YellowGreen
skinparam stereotypeCBackgroundColor<< Foo >> DimGray

Class01 << Foo >>
Class01 "1" *-- "many" Class02 : contains

Class03<<Foo>> o-- Class04 : agregation


Color gradient

It's possible to declare individual color for classes or note using the # notation.
You can use either standard color name or RGB code.

You can also use color gradient in background, with the following syntax: two colors names separated either by:

  • |,
  • /,
  • \,
  • or -
depending the direction of the gradient. For example, you could have:

skinparam backgroundcolor AntiqueWhite/Gold
skinparam classBackgroundColor Wheat|CornflowerBlue

class Foo #red-green
note left of Foo #blue\9932CC {
  this is my
  note on this class

package example #GreenYellow/LightGoldenRodYellow {
  class Dummy


Splitting large files

Sometimes, you will get some very large image files.

You can use the "page (hpages)x(vpages)" command to split the generated image into several files :

hpagesis a number that indicated the number of horizontal pages, and vpages is a number that indicated the number of vertical pages.

' Split into 4 pages
page 2x2

class BaseClass

namespace net.dummy #DDDDDD {
    .BaseClass <|-- Person
    Meeting o-- Person
    .BaseClass <|- Meeting


namespace {
  net.dummy.Person  <|- Person
  .BaseClass <|-- Person

  net.dummy.Meeting o-- Person

BaseClass <|-- net.unused.Person
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