模組下載 project/user_readonly
設定 admin/config/people/user_readonly
該模組在 timezone, language, contact 三項目前並無管控機制, 可加入下列程式碼將其隱藏
編輯 user_readonly.module, 約 248 行
// Only restrict access to fields controlled by this module. if (empty($settings[$field]) || !is_array($data[$value])) { if (($value=='contact')||($value=='language')) { $display_group = FALSE; } else { $display_group = TRUE; } continue; // Skip to the next child element. }
// Only restrict access to fields controlled by this module. if (empty($settings[$field]) || !is_array($data[$value])) { $display_group = TRUE; //原始 continue; // Skip to the next child element. }